At the Peninsula Pain & Injury Clinic our rates can be claimed with your private health insurance, all you need to pay is the gap. It is advised to contact your private health insurance provider to determine your level of cover as some are much better than others in regards to both the amount you get back per session and in total for the year. We offer Hicaps facilities for on the spot claims for the following private health insurance providers;
Medibank, hbf, Australian Unity, Defence Health, Peoplecare, onemedifund, Bupa, Health Partners, hif, navy health, ahm, CBHS, Westfund, GUHealth, Phoenix Health, stlukeshealth, Queensland country health fund, rt health fund, GMHBA, Frank, BudgetDirect, RACT Health insurance, healthcare, nib, gmf, rbhs, Teachers Healthfund, Uni, ACA Health, health, Transport Health, TUH